Our story is unique as it comes from passion and experience.
The owner of BuyBarnWood.com, Ron Carlson was a contractor by trade. He was looking for some reclaimed barn wood for a project he was doing on a commercial property. He searched every where to find someone that could supply him with reclaimed wood on a regular basis.
After many attempts he discovered that supply of barn wood on a regular basis is a rare commodity. People were selling pallets and old broke fence pickets, claiming it was the real thing.
Finally, he found someone that would sell him some barn wood, but he had to buy the whole barn and figure out how to ship it. So, after using barn wood on his own projects, could you image he had a bunch left over.
Having several storage lockers full if wood, he took action to sell his excessive inventory.
“Some people bought 1 board or 5 sheets of tin, but other people also had large projects to do and bought full trailer loads. Eventually, others started asking if he had barn doors, or barn wood flooring, ship lap, or enough wood to build a whole barn from scratch.” The answer was normally no but got Ron thinking.
This stuff is hard to find. What if I figured out how to get reclaimed wood products in to the hands of the public. So he put in the time to do just that.
Along the way Ron figured some stuff out like:
How to find barns for sale
The long and hard process of taking wood from a barn and getting it to a customer
How to make hardwood floors from reclaimed lumber
How to make shipping affordable
How to mill wall panel for easy installation
Building Barn Doors and more
“From the start he was hooked. Each board has its own character that can never be duplicated. Faded reds, weathered grey boards, 14 inch wide thrashing floor planks, hand hewn beams, worm holes, sawn marks. I love this stuff!”